How to Apply

The middle back is a combination of vertebrae from the upper and middle sections of the back and muscles that run the entire length of the back. These muscles support the spine, flex and extend the torso, move the upper...
Pain in the low back, or lumbago, can be a very complicated problem. As the body ages, the spine undergoes compensatory changes to adjust with the rest of the body. Some of those changes are for the good, but some...
Low back pain is often caused by complications arising from the Sacroiliac (SI) Joint. Though the SI Joint is not the singular cause of low back pain, attention to the joint is important in assessing and treating the pain. Athletes...
These conditions have many causes ranging from genetic to overuse. In any case, continuing to engage in extensive physical activity without rest or treatment would exacerbate the problem.
Osgood-Schlatter’s is a condition that often times shows up in young people who are growing very quickly. The point of pain is typically on the tibial tuberosity, or the bump just below the knee.
Knee pain can be caused by any number of issues. The kneecap, or patella, could be moving incorrectly. One or more meniscus may be torn, ruptured, or inflamed. There may be arthritis, plica, chondromalacia, or any number of issues with...
The Pes Anserine (goose’s foot) is the joining of three tendons on the front and inside portion of the lower knee area. The bursae in this area allow for smooth sliding of these tendons with the medial hamstrings and the...
The top of the foot consists of many bones, nerves, ligaments, and tendons that can all be affected and painful. The foot was made for stability and mobility – two distinct and naturally exclusive functions. This demand on the foot...
Pain at the ball of the foot is most often caused by inflammation due to overuse in active people. Other common causes include poorly fit or worn-out shoes, weight gain, contusions or bruising, plantar fasciitis, or nerve issues.
The three peroneal muscles, now called the fibularis muscles, are muscles at the surface of the outside of the lower leg. They serve to turn the foot out (evert) and push the foot down (plantarflex). The tendons run behind the...
The plantar fascia, or arch tendon, is a thick band of connective tissue that runs from the heel to the front of the foot. It is made of three distinct parts: medial, central, and lateral bands. The medial and central...
This application can be used for a variety of ankle issues including sprained ankles, inflamed tendons in the ankle, stretched ligaments, inflamed tendons, or general ankle weakness. The added support will give you the confidence and support during the rehabilitation...
Tendinitis typically develops after abrupt changes in activity or training level, use of poorly fit or worn footwear, or training on uneven or dense running surfaces. Overuse prior to sufficient training is generally the cause. This is due to forces...
The quads are the large set of powerful muscles that span the front of the thigh from the hips to the knees and act as hip flexors and knee extenders. The quads consist of 4 muscles: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis,...
The shin is the common name for the front of the lower leg bone (tibia) and its associated muscles and tendons. While muscles on the front of the leg (primarily the anterior tibialis) serve to point the toes and foot...
The shin is the common name for the front of the lower leg bone (tibia) and its associated muscles and tendons. While the tibialis posterior serves to point the toes and foot downwards (plantarflexion), muscles on the front of the...
Calf muscles can be torn, pulled or experience cramping due to extreme stretching or overuse. Abrupt acceleration or changes in direction can often be the culprit. Calf injuries are much more common in men than in women, especially among middle-aged...
The hamstrings are the large set of powerful muscles that span the back of the thigh from the buttocks to the calves and serve to flex the knee and extend the hip. Strains involving micro-tears in the muscles, cramping, and...
The IT Band, or iliotibial band, is a thick band of fibrous tissue that runs down the outside of the leg. The iliotibial band begins at the hip and extends to the outer side of the shin (tibia) just below...

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