Slump Reversal
JANUARY 08, 2010

It's any athlete's worst nightmare: a slump. They sneak up on us and ruin our confidence. The worst part is, even the toughest athletes in the world can't hide from them. If you play sports, it's inevitable a slump will come and park itself in your driveway. Because every athlete is prone to a slump, it's important to know how to remove the "monkey" off your back. In short, it's mind over matter. "In practice, your skills never actually leave you after a string of bad results. What leaves you is the focus that allows you to execute the skills of your sport as efficiently and accurately as you have trained yourself to. So a key to reversing a slump is to go back to building your skills as solidly as possible. In times of stress the body naturally wants to go back to the behavior it knows best. Train yourself well and a skillful performance will be the behavior your body always wants to replicate."--from article author Michael Blackburn, BAppSCI (Hons) PhD (Sports Science)
For an in-depth analysis of athlete slumps, why they arrive and how to get them to depart, check out Michael Blackburn's article on the Sports Training Blog website. As always, keep KT Tape in mind help when injuries are keeping you on the sideline, off the track or sideline you training routine.