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It feels like we’ve raced through the first half of 2019, doesn’t it? If you’re like most people, you probably started the year by setting a personal goal. Maybe that goal was to get faster or increase your mileage. Or...
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Here's a great idea from KT Taper Elif C that we thought we'd pass on. She writes: "For the last Disneyland Half Marathon I wanted yellow Minnie shoes to go with my running costume but didn't want to spray paint my...
Did you run a marathon last year? People are lining up in droves to run the hottest marathons in the US such as the Chicago marathon, one of the Rock n Roll marathons, the LA marathon, or the many others....
Marathon runners are avid KT Tape-appliers, and this article from Matt Fitzgerald for gives even more tips on how to run a better marathon this Fall: The marathon is a tough nut to crack. Twenty-six miles is a long...
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Over the last few years, skirts are no longer just used on the field hockey and lacrosse fields, but are running loose on track, trails, and even the beach, as shown by the ladies above in skirts from Team Sparkle.  Is this...
August is all about learning how to beat the heat and still get your training in.  Check out these tips from Thad McLaurin for on how to keep cool during hot summer runs: 1. Acclimatize It takes time for...
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With summer in full swing, barefoot running is picking up the pace!  Amby Burfoot of Runner’s World showcased an article looking at both sides of the barefoot debate- check out these tips from their experts, and let us know what...
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We love hearing how KT Tape has changed the lives of our fans, and couldn’t help but share this inspiring story from Mike Berta of New York: Two years ago I was 325 pounds, out of shape, out of energy,...
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One of the biggest challenges for distance runners and other KT Tape athletes can be figuring out how to pace themselves throughout training.  Olympian and writer Jeff Galloway provides tips on that can help all runners perfect their pace-...
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Check out this article by Alan Peppard, M.S., P.T. and an American Running Clinic Advisor, on how to prevent overuse injuries as you get back into training this Spring! Spring is here and you're ready to really cover some miles....
Spring cleaning is here, and that means cleaning out your aches and pains, as well as your home!  While KT Tape can be a critical part of clearing out the aches that come with getting back into race season,
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KT Tape empowers athletes and enhances recovery so you can compete harder and to your best, but did you ever think that slowing down, even walking, while training or racing can actually help you run faster?  Jeff Galloway, Olympic runner,...
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Runners tell us that KT Tape not only relieves pain and provides stability and support for their sore muscles, but actually helps them run faster, too!  Here are some tips from SHAPE Magazine and on how to increase your running speed: Whether you've...
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Running has always been revered as a great way to stay in shape.  As avid supporters and partakers in the running community, KT Tape knows the benefits of running.  We feel better when we run.   But what exactly are the...
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Completing a marathon can be one of the most rewarding accomplishments an athlete can experience, but getting there is no easy task.  So finding a marathon training program that works for you is key.  There are several ways to go...
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KT Tape is an important tool for helping athletes perform their best.  While kinesiology tape by KT Tape helps with the physical part of training , there is a debate about another accessory many runners use: headphones.  Running with headphones:...
How young is too young to run a full marathon?  Young runners often face  joint problems as their bodies continue to grow.  KT Tape can be a helpful tool in treating running pains like knee pain.  But the question remains,...
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Running can be a lot like driving.  Accidents happen all the time to runners and many of them are often preventable.  Here are five helpful reminders to abide by to make your run safer and more enjoyable. Look both ways. ...
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It’s the New Year, and that means making some changes.  For athletes who are already training, it may mean mixing up the routine or vowing to run a better marathon this year.   But for a lot of people, making...
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At KT Tape, we love the Marine Corps Marathon and Event Series.  It is basically an entire year of runs and events leading up to the main event--the Marine Corps Marathon in October.  This past October we attended the Health...
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The winter days are short, and whether you are running in the early morning or after work, it’s important to stay safe while running in the dark.  Running in the dark can be a bit tricky, but you just have...

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KT Tape Pro Oxygen box with tape roll
KT Tape Pro Oxygen™
With Celliant® infrared technology
to increase cellular oxygenation
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KT Tape Pro®
Ultra-Breathable Synthetic Fabric
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KT Tape Pro Extreme®
High strength water-resistant adhesive
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KT Tape Original Cotton
Original cotton breathable fabric