Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated in your training, especially if you have an injury, ache or pain. While KT Tape can help with a wide number of aches and pains, joining a running club is a great way to make sure you stay on track.
*Running clubs provide a great social network in an atmosphere that is supportive of your fitness goals. Local running clubs typically offer a variety of activities such as beginning running programs, regular group or training runs, distance training programs, organized racing teams, local events calendar, and much more to meet your local running needs.
Weve found these three great sites that help you find a running club that suites your needs and location. Click on the links below from these sites to get started on finding the club for you.
Cool RunningRun the PlanetRoad Runners Club of America
So whether you are a seasoned runner or just beginning, by incorporating a running club into your workout you will meet new people, swap training tips, share running routes, talk about gear great like KT Tape and have fun within your community.
*from the RRCA website