Stay Safe working out Indoors
MARCH 04, 2010

Though you're not putting yourself at risk of frostbite, USA Today recently ran an article citing the dangers involved with indoor exercise. Think about it--who hasn't been thrown from a treadmill running at 10-mph? The article says, "People who hurt themselves with traditional exercise equipment or new exercise games make similar mistakes, experts say: They ignore or forget basic safety instructions or just plain overdo it."
But consider this: In 2008, nearly 1,500 people found themselves in U.S. emergency rooms after run-ins with treadmills, weights, elliptical machines and other exercise equipment, according to the Consumer Products Safety Commission. And those were just the reported cases. The real number probably is closer to 50,000, the agency says.
The USA Today article goes on to give some indoor exercise safety tips: "It should be noted that the Wii system comes with warnings to take breaks, secure the remote with a wrist strap and stay clear of furniture and other people. Still, fear of finding yourself immortalized in the medical literature might be enough to make you stick to traditional exercise gear.Take treadmills. Rule 1 is to straddle the machine, turn it on at low speed, then step on. But people turn themselves into flying objects by stepping on first, then starting the motor, says Michael Bracko, a sports physiologist in Calgary.Also common: Treadmill users so engrossed in TV, reading, phone conversations or texting that they get off pace and trip, says Cedric Bryant, chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise. People who get hurt with weights often are not exercising at all, Bracko says. They are carelessly moving weights to or from the floor or a rack when they strain a muscle or drop a weight on a foot." Strained muscle? KT Tape's got the solution for that! Check out all the different taping methods for a plethora of indoor exercise caused injuries. To read the whole USA Today article head to the following article.