Note from the Editor: Dana Casanava is back! And she's knocking out marathons left and right on her quest to run 52 marathons in 52 weeks. With KT Tape by her side (and on her calves) we have no doubt she'll complete this epic adventure. Read more about Dana's charity at her blog 52 Beginnings.
From 52 Beginnings: This weekend I ran my 10th marathon in my journey to run 52 marathons in 52 weeks. It's been an incredible and challenging journey already, but this really is the experience of a lifetime and I want to cherish every race, every minute, every mile. I took on this feat to help children in South Africa through the Virginia based charity 25:40. Crossing the finish line is only one part of this adventure, the other goal is to raise $26,000 for these children, many of whom have been orphaned because of the AIDs epidemic. I have a long way to go with fund raising and running. However, I don't come from a background of superior athleticism or genetic talent. This year will be a lot of mental determination, blood, sweat and tears. And most importantly I have to stay physically healthy so I can complete this journey. KT Tape has gone a long way to help me with recovery between races and staying the course in my marathons. I recently strained my back while lifting weights in the gym and I started using the KT Tape for that as well. I'm utterly amazed at what a difference it makes! It drastically improved my back strain and, in my opinion, shortened the healing time.
I took some pictures a couple weeks ago while getting ready for the Lower Potomac River Marathon in Piney Point, Maryland. I personally like using the KT tape to help stabilize the muscles in my calves prior to a race and the blue streaks make me easy to spot on the course! I've met quite a few runners at marathons who've asked me about my KT Tape and how it works. I had suggested KT Tape to a running friend of mine who was having some injury issues. He just completed his 2nd marathon, the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach this last weekend. I was excited to hear how the race went and how the KT Tape worked for him. He told me "it was the difference between finishing and DNF'ing out (DNF - Did Not Finish). I'm no expert at applying it, but it served my purpose admirably! I am a believer! Without it I'd not have made it otherwise." I was so happy for him, and so glad I had told him about KT Tape!!
With running marathons every week, I know I'm going to burn through a lot of KT Tape, but it's making my challenge this year a little easier, helping my body recover faster and hopefully that means a little less blood and tears. I don't think there's a loop hole to get out of the sweat part of it!
We're proud of you, Dana--thanks for taking us along on your important and worthwhile journey.