Two Weeks 'Til Boston: Are you Ready?
APRIL 04, 2011

What's the deal with the start corrals? Corral placement is assigned according to bib numbers (based on qualifying time). Your starting corral is printed beneath your runner's number on your bib. You are only allowed to move back to a higher numbered corral; forward movement is prohibited. Where and when is the race expo? The John Hancock Sports & Fitness Expo will be held at the Hynes Memorial Convention Center in Boston. The expo is home to bib number and packet pick-up for all registered runners. There will be no race-day number distribution. Hours are as follows: Friday, April 15... 2:00 p.m.7:00 p.m., Saturday, April 16 ... 9:00 a.m.6:00 p.m., Sunday, April 17 ... 9:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. How many aid stations are along the course? Aid stations are located every mile, beginning with mile 2. Water and sports drink will be available at every aid station, as well as at the start and finish areas. PowerGel will be provided at mile 17.
Can I run with an MP3 player, such as an iPod? Although the B.A.A. discourages the use of personal music devices and headphones, they are allowed except for those athletes eligible for prize money.
How many medical tents are available to participants? First aid and medical support is available approximately every mile of the course. In addition, a medical tent will be set up at the start and areas will be set up to provide medical support at the finish area. What are the best spots for spectators along the course? Spectators may choose to view the race from locations along the course easily serviced by the MBTA subway or commuter rail lines. Common locations include Kenmore Square (one mile from the finish), Boston College (22nd mile), and Wellesley College (the race's midpoint). Are Porta-Potties available on the course? Portable restrooms will be located each fluid and first aid stations, beginning at mile 2. What's the best way to reunite with my friends or family after the race? A family meeting area will be set up near the finish, beginning on Stuart Street, continuing on Clarendon and finishing along St. James Avenue. Look for the large signs with letters corresponding to your designated meeting location. An alternative is to select a meeting location away from the crowded finish area. Who won the race last year, and in what time? Robert Kiprono Cheruiyot of Kenya captured the men's race in a time of 2:05:52a new course record; Ehtiopia's Teyba Erkesso finished first among women in 2:26:11. Will the race be broadcast? Yes, the race will be shown nationally on Universal Sports, and in the Boston area on WBZ-TV, channel 4. Online, will have coverage of the race. Can my family and friends track me from home? The B.A.A. will provide race splits at every 5 kilometers on its website. Family and friends visiting the website on race day can view your splits by entering your name or bib number. Also, AT&T Athlete Alert will let subscribers get text message alerts when a runner reaches the start, 10-K, half marathon, 30-K mark, and finish line of the race. To view Runners World complete list of Boston FAQs, click here. To visit the Boston Marathons own FAQ site, click here. Good luck with your last two weeks of race prep!