This weekend the KT Tape team tore up the tape for marathon and half marathon runners at the National Marathon Expo in Washington, DC. We were joined by Nova Pain and Rehab Chiropractor Dr. Amy Grabowski, who specializes in chiropractic, athletic rehab, and sports injury prevention in Arlington, VA and is a spokesperson for the American Chiropractic Association.
The most popular KT Tape application requested at the expo was for that nagging knee pain, but we also taped a ton of plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, and IT Bands!
Congratulations to all the athletes who finished the race despite the record cold temperatures- well see you there next year!
If you were a registered participant of the race, click on this link to take the 2011 NATIONAL MARATHON POST RACE SURVEY.
To view the preliminary race results, click here.
To find the Nova Pain and Rehab Clinic nearest you, visit the KT Tape Clinic Locator or visit the Nova Pain and Rehab website.